Energy and powerPower transmission

How Floene is decarbonising Portugal’s consumer gas market

Gabriel Sousa, CEO of the Portuguese gas DSO Floene, talks with Jonathan Spencer Jones about the move towards delivering hydrogen and other renewable gases to customers in Portugal.

“Floene refers to the ‘flow of energy’ and in particular the energies of the future, the renewable gases, which we believe will have a relevant role and we want to accelerate this development,” says Gabriel Sousa.

Referring to the new name of the company, previously called Galp Gás Natural Distribuição, and its approach covering approximately 70% of the gas distribution in Portugal in an exclusive interview at Enlit Europe, he said that the network is relatively young and essentially hydrogen and other renewable gas ready.

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However, still awaited is the right legal and regulatory framework so that a hydrogen market can develop.

“We are very happy with the ambition of the REPowerEU plan. It’s ambitious but makes sense but we now need the further steps.”

Among the preparatory projects for hydrogen, Sousa mentions a pilot with up to 20% blended hydrogen for 80 mainly residential customers.

“What this is showing is that it is feasible, it allows training of personnel in the company and it also addresses the connection with customers to understand how the sector can be decarbonised, similarly to the decarbonisation of electricity.”

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