
Defence Engineering: Industry Core and How it Compares to Other Fields of Engineering

Bend Tech Defence

Not much is widely known about defence engineering. It is a unique field of industry and engineering that barely gets highlighted. No wonder how only a limited few know a thing or two about the industry. This article will help provide people with more information about defence engineering. This article will discuss:

  • engineering, as a field in general
  • what defence engineering is
  • the core difference of defence engineering from all fields of engineering
  • particular aspects and factors that make defence engineering different from other fields of engineering 


Engineering is the specific branch of science and technology dedicated to the building, design, and use of machines, engines, and structures. The modern world will cease to be the convenient and highly advanced society that it is now without the help of engineers. In simple terms, engineering is simply all about the application of math and science to solve any real-world problem. If it is scientists and inventors that provide innovations, it is the engineers who work on the application of such discoveries and innovations to everyday life. 

Defence Engineering

Defence engineering is the focused branch of engineering that zones in on providing builds and designs of structures, engines, and machines used for protection and security. Just like how the field of medical engineering is closely involved in humanity’s welfare in an individual and biological way, defence engineering is also closely involved with humans, in a political and protective manner. 

The Core Of Defence Engineering

The core of engineering is peace. As it is dedicated to creating tools for the use of military and non-military personnel for the protection and security of civilians and non-civilians, the very core of defence engineering is peace as it is all about ensuring everyone’s safety and welfare. It is impossible to ensure the protection, safety, and peace of a community or a country without the proper tools and instruments. It is defence engineers that provide such tools. 

How Defence Engineering is Different from Other Fields of Engineering

The following are the most widely known fields of engineering:

  • mechanical engineering
  • aerospace engineering
  • civil engineering
  • chemical engineering
  • electrical engineering
  • structural engineering
  • engineering management 
  • geotechnical engineering
  • medical engineering

Defence engineering differs from the enlisted in the following aspects: 

1. Civil Responsibility

No other field of engineering is as intensely involved in civil safety as defence engineering. Defence engineering deals with ensuring the safety and protection of every single individual across all endpoints. It provides tools and instruments for defense. Through it, all individuals can feel ever safe and secure over their freedoms and rights. Defence engineers are highly responsible for securing peace and harmony between different communities, races, and nations. 

2. Coverage

Defence engineers create solutions for all needs and platforms. They can create tools, instruments, and machines that can be used on land, air, and water. They can provide customized builds for unique sectors, places, and areas that need protection. This is something that all defence engineering firms, like Bendtech Defence, can easily do. Defence engineering firms can uniquely cater to any kind of need as they go all out in accurately studying problems. 

3. Heavy-Duty Arena

Unlike other fields of engineering, defence engineering uniquely caters to designing, building, and perfecting heavy-duty materials by the millions. This is the case because defence engineers provide the needs of soldiers, military officers, and police officers. The level of intensity in creating heavy-duty items is supreme. They create the most advanced, sharp, durable, and flexible defence tools on a massive and heavy-duty scale. 

4. Costs

As it is civilians’ lives that are at risk, everything that goes into every single defence engineering process is costly. It is very expensive to develop any defence engineering solution because it requires research and data gathering from complex systems and knowledge sources. Supreme safety in using tools to promote peace and order is always a must so study after study of the best methods to deploy and the best materials to use can seem to be never-ending. The expenditures seem to be never-ending as well.

5. Level of Competency

All defence engineers go by a high level of competency in their field. This is because of the glaring truth that every single detail in their builds and designs can mean safety or fatality to people’s lives. Defence engineers, like doctors and medical engineers, always fully know that they are dealing with life and death situations. Their designs must be excellent enough to prevent deaths and save lives. 

6. Level of Efficiency

Nothing is ever wasted in the defence engineering industry. Every innovation and discovery always ends up being massively useful to society. All designs and builds end up being used not just in a military way, but in a general day-to-day way. It is defence engineers who came up with the very system that allowed you to read this article right now. It was defence engineers who helped in the creation of the internet and the world wide web. That is how legendary defence engineers are. 

7. Career Path

Defence engineering is not an intensely structured industry. There is no specific engineering course that one has to take to become an expert defence engineer. One simply has to be an expert in his method of using math and science to provide specific and dedicated solutions. Defence engineering is an industry that is open to all kinds of engineers. 

Article supplied by Bend Tech Defence