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Accelerating the digital transformation

The Digital Factory is the driving force of Italgas’s digital transformation, where we design and implement cutting-edge proprietary technologies that, in recent years, have helped to digitise processes and improve operations, network management, and service quality.

Launched in late 2018, the Digital Factory consists of multifunctional teams, gathered in physical and virtual rooms, who work in Agile mode on the digitisation of business processes, leading to several innovations that have improved the customer experience and the work of employees and technicians, both in the field and remotely.

It is a factory of innovative ideas and solutions with a very clear mission: accelerate Italgas’ path to become a frontier operator.

The Digital Factory continued to operate during the lockdown.

In this laboratory:
• Innovative technologies are applied;
• New skills are developed;
• The approach is focused on agility and design thinking; and
• Digital solutions are designed to optimise internal services and processes.