
Yacht Club de Monaco launches autonomous green hydrogen pontoon

Yacht Club de Monaco has launched what it states is the first autonomous green hydrogen pontoon, in preparation for the Monaco Energy Boat Challenge (July 1-7, 2024).

This type of facility has been trialled at previous editions of the Monaco Energy Boat Challenge and has undergone numerous improvements. Weighing 1.3 tons, this pontoon has a 20m2 surface area of floating solar panels linked to twice as many batteries to produce hydrogen continuously day and night. It is able to fill 30 cylinders and supply eight teams with green hydrogen; cylinder fill-time is now 1 liter/minute. The pontoon also incorporates a remote-control system to monitor electrolyzer flow, battery charge, and the heating and cooling system, as well as sensors, alarms and a dehumidifier.

For the 11th Monaco Energy Boat Challenge 2024, teams will have a choice between 9-liter or 13-liter hydrogen cylinders. Each team is free to estimate its consumption according to its choice of power source, with the right to produce energy during a race.

The pontoon has been moored in the YCM Marina since January 2024, with the goal to supply the eight teams in the Energy Class ahead of the meeting to help reduce the event’s carbon footprint and promote the use of eco-responsible energy resources. SBM Offshore installed the facility.

Francesco Prazzo, general manager of SBM Offshore, said, “An ever-increasing demand for safe, sustainable, affordable energy presents one of the biggest challenges of our time. As offshore pioneers, we are convinced the oceans hold the key to meet an urgent need for low-carbon solutions, with hydrogen being part of that response.”

This launch has been supported by the Monaco, Capital of Advanced Yachting collective in line with United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Bernard d’Alessandri, general secretary of YCM, said, “The Monaco Energy Boat Challenge was launched 11 years ago. It is very satisfying to see how far we have progressed. Even with limited resources, it is now possible to produce green hydrogen.”

To watch Yacht Club de Monaco’s video about its autonomous green hydrogen pontoon, click here.