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Top five electric vehicle stories you need to read

To celebrate this World EV Day, we are highlighting the global call to decarbonise and the role electrification of transport is playing in helping the world move closer to sustainability goals.

To highlight the latest trends within the smart mobility industry, we have selected our top five EV stories to keep you fully informed.

1. The blind spots in the race for an electrified road transport sector

In this article, Dolf Gielen, Francisco Boshell and Huiming Zhang from the International Renewable Energy Agency point to crucial aspects of the road transport transition to ensure a successful shift toward electro-mobility by 2050.

In the coming decade, passenger road vehicles and energy-related industries are poised to undergo a similarly major shift. The electrification of vehicle powertrains is one of the core elements of this transition and promises increased renewable energy use, fewer pollutants and less noise on the roads, they predict. Read more….

2. India’s e-mobility era has begun

In this article, N. Mohan, head of the Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure (EVCI) Department at Convergence Energy Services Limited, discusses how the Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of Hybrid and Electric Vehicles (FAME) I and II schemes and programmes by several ministries and departments are supporting India’s transition to e-mobility. Read more…

3. Electric vehicle outlook 2021 – on a strong growth curve

The global electric vehicles market showed growth of over 40% during 2020 with a record 3 million EVs registered, but how will the market perform throughout 2021? A new report released by the International Energy Agency examines the market and trends that are likely to shape the sector through 2050. Read more…

4. Cross-sector collaboration: Addressing the EV charging infrastructure case

A report released by research firm Guidehouse Insights identified the lack of adequate EV charging stations as a key factor hindering the penetration of EVs. But how will cross-sector collaboration help increase the amount of EV chargers installed across the globe?

Utilities and automakers are responding to the growing calls for an increase in charging stations through collaborations targeting the deployment of innovative charging technologies at large scale. Read more…

5. How Fit for 55 package will accelerate EV adoption

In addition to the lack of charging infrastructure, the high costs associated with EVs and the lack of resilient policy frameworks that create a perfect environment for EV adoption are some of the factors that have been identified causing a delay in EV penetration.

However, with the European Union recently enacting its new carbon emission reduction policy, Fit for 55, how will it impact the way member countries have been adopting EVs? Read more….

In Europe alone, the transport sector accounts for nearly a quarter of the region’s greenhouse gas emissions and is the main cause of emissions in urban areas. However, since 2007, the transport sector in Europe has had a gradual decline in emissions partly due to the emergence of electric vehicles. On that note, we wish you a happy EV Day.

The electrification of the transport sector is a key topic that players within the energy and electric vehicles value chain will be discussing at this year’s Enlit Europe summit in Milan.