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TMI Foods and Besmoke to deliver clean & natural smoked crispy bacon

TMI Foods – a Dawn Farms company and leading UK supplier of fully cooked crispy and back bacon – has signed an exclusive licensing agreement with Besmoke, manufacturer of draft-smoked ingredients, smoke and grill flavours and taste-enhancement products. The new Puresmoke technology promises to deliver authentic and clean wood smoke flavours and will be uniquely built into the curing/cooking process at TMI Foods’ state-of-the-art facility in Northampton.

As the largest and most versatile cooked bacon provider based in the UK, TMI stays very close to changing consumer trends and uses insight and culinary science to provide the finest quality of truly differentiated fully-cooked bacon and its ever popular Pigs In Blankets.

Conor Cahill, head of Science & Innovation at Dawn Farm Foods, explains: “We’re delighted to team up with Besmoke and be the first to offer a natural, clean smoking option, built into our curing and smoking process to deliver a safe and sustainable smoked bacon product to our customers. Natural, cleaner food smoking is very much on trend in the UK, with discerning consumers appreciating the variety of deep, rich flavours that can be achieved via the art of wood smoking for cooking.”

With a mutual obsession with culinary science, the partnership between TMI Foods and Besmoke makes for the perfect marriage, say the two companies. Huw Griffiths, founder of Besmoke, states: “We’re proud to be collaborating with Dawn Farms and TMI Foods to provide the industry with the purist and cleanest smoked protein solutions. It was clear when we first spoke to one another that our businesses have a shared ambition to deliver a clean smoke solution for everyone. Using our patented technology, we’re able to infuse the product like no one else in the world, giving TMI Foods a market-leading advantage to build various smoke & bacon flavours out in a richer and more rounded fashion.”

Under its own Pure Culinary Science innovation programme, Dawn Farms hints at more to come from this – including the possibility of other collaborations – to bring a range of new fully cooked protein innovations to market to meet changing customer and consumer expectations.

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