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Tata Power deploys smart metering data management platform with Siemens

Indian utility Tata Power Delhi Distribution, in partnership with Siemens, has completed the deployment of smart metering data management (MDM) technology.

The MDM EnergyIP will enable Tata Power to remotely collect, manage, store and process data from over 200,000 smart metering units.

Access to accurate consumer energy usage data in near real-time will allow Tata Power to improve customer services and reduce carbon emissions. Increased visibility to events occurring within the grid will also help the utility to improve grid management, resiliency, and efficiency.

For consumers, smart meter data will enable them to optimise energy management and reduce usage and costs. They will be provided with outage and low Power Factor alerts in addition to being billed for their actual energy usage.

Ganesh Srinivasan, CEO, Tata Power-DDL said: “We have further strengthened the energy distribution network in our area of operation by leveraging the state-of-the-art technologies. The digital technologies have enabled us to monitor critical functions of energy distribution in real-time, resulting in higher operational efficiency and productivity, and have proven invaluable during the COVID-19 pandemic. The technologies will further help in ensuring more efficient and uninterrupted power supply for our consumers.”

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The platform has been installed under the utility’s digital transformation and grid modernisation project and will be expanded to cover 1.8 million smart metering units.

Robert HK Demann, Head, Smart Infrastructure, Siemens Limited, added: “The implementation of Advanced Metering Infrastructure is aligned to the Smart Meter National Programme and will play a key role in the deployment of Smart Grids across the country.”

With energy demand expected to grow in India due to increases in consumer use of HVAC systems and electric vehicles, smart meters are expected to play a key role in helping consumers to reduce energy consumption. Smart meter-enabled demand response will aid utilities meet that anticipated demand.

Commenting on the launch of a pilot with US-based solutions firm Autogrid, Srinivasan, said: “Behavioural Demand Response is regarded as an essential component as it helps build up the necessary flexibility on demand side to match the flexibility on supply side.

“Through this pilot programme, we intend to give more control in the hands of the consumers. As a utility of the future, we at Tata Power-DDL are steering the distribution sector towards a smarter, low-carbon economy and enabling a more dynamic electrical grid where utilities and customers collaborate to efficiently use energy. This initiative will support our mission to build a resource-efficient, greener electrical grid through smart tech integration.”

The pilot will start with a 3-month trial which runs from September 2021 and includes some 4,000 customers with smart meters.

Ganesh Srinivasan reiterated: “We aim to demonstrate the value of DR and DERs for the expansion of renewable energy in India and realization of a decarbonized society while meeting the ambitions of a fast growing economy.”