Energy and powerNewsPower transmission

Tata Power Delhi launches residential demand response programme

Tata Power-DDL is partnering with energy management solution provider Autogrid to pilot the acceptability of consumer demand response.

With the programme, Tata Power-DDL intends to empower customers to better understand their energy consumption towards the goal of reducing peak demand and network capital costs.

Electricity consumption is set to grow dramatically in India as the country’s population grows, especially for cooling purposes as more consumers install air conditioners and as they move to electric vehicles.

Demand response is expected to be key in reducing stresses on India’s grid during peak periods while providing customers with economic and environmental benefits.

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“Through this pilot programme, we intend to give more control in the hands of the consumers,” said Ganesh Srinivasan, CEO of Tata Power-DDL.

“As a utility of the future, we at Tata Power-DDL are steering the distribution sector towards a smarter, low carbon economy and enabling a more dynamic electrical grid where utilities and customers collaborate to efficiently use energy. This initiative will support our mission to build a resource efficient, greener electrical grid through smart tech integration.”

The first phase of the programme, running for three months to the end of September 2021, will involve 4,000 residential consumers with smart meter connections.

Based on the acceptance and outcomes, the programme will then be extended in a phased manner to other areas. One of these is automated demand response leveraging residential air conditioning systems and HVAC systems at commercial and industrial sites.

Others include the integration of energy storage, solar PV, electrical vehicles and other distributed resources for grid balancing and stabilisation and microgrids and site optimisation for energy-as-a-service applications.

Tata Power-DDL intends to provide attractive incentives to customers to encourage participation in the pilot and based on the level of their participation.

The outcomes will be shared with the state regulator and are expected to lead to the formulation of an appropriate incentive regime for all customers.

Tata Power-DDL supplies electricity to a populace of over 7 million in North Delhi.