
RTI Named to Parity.org’s Best Companies for Women to Advance List 2021

RTI recognized for providing their workforce with supportive benefits, policies, and programs

Real-Time Innovations (RTI), the largest software framework company for autonomous systems, has been named to the Parity.org Best Companies for Women to Advance List 2021. This list recognizes organizations that have implemented a mix of exemplary benefits, policies, and programs that ensure women have significant opportunities to advance their careers. As part of RTI’s ongoing Diversity and Inclusion efforts, the company is dedicated to being an equally great place to work for all employees. RTI joins 33 other companies in the national recognition, including Adobe, Airbnb, and Nasdaq.

Companies recognized were rated in areas of equality in hiring and promotion practices, inclusion, representation of women in leadership, and enablers, such as benefits and other policies, that help companies achieve equitable outcomes. RTI reports that 33% of employees, 36% of managers, and 30% of executives are women, compared to 19%, 16%, and 10% in the technology industry overall. RTI is actively improving as 38% of their Director-level employees are women, 75% hired and promoted from lower-level titles. Additionally, RTI is proud to offer outstanding support for working mothers, including flexible schedules, work-from-home options and generous maternity and paternity leave.

“Since inception, RTI has always been a champion of the advancement of women in the workplace,” said Stan Schneider, CEO at RTI. “We realize that women often find technology companies unfriendly. We actively counter that, partially by ensuring high percentages of women in engineering, management, sales, and executive roles. RTI actively recruits, mentors, and promotes women, especially into key roles where they can serve to increase our perspective and serve as role models for others. We are proud to have made the 2021 Parity list and we recognize that the work doesn’t stop here. We will continue to ensure RTI is a positive and supportive environment for all.”

“The companies that are on the 2021 list of Best Companies for Women to Advance are shining examples of companies that actually walk the talk and are helping create equal representation, now,” said Cathrin Stickney, Parity.org founder and CEO.

Companies on the 2021 list share many common best practices that are known to support women, such as work-from-home or telecommute options (97%), flexible working hours (94%), and equal paid family leave for men and women (88%). Nearly every company measures and reports on gender parity to the executive team (97%), and every single company regularly communicates their gender-parity values to employees, encourages men to take their full family leave, and has a zero-tolerance policy for harassment.

The Best Companies for Women to Advance list is an initiative of Parity.org, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization focused on bringing gender equality to the highest levels of business.

For more details, visit: www.parity.org/best-companies.