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Poland’s Enea Operator to instal 273,000 smart meters in 2025

Poland’s Enea Operator to instal 273,000 smart meters in 2025

Image: Enea Operator

Enea Operator has secured co-financing for the purchase of 273,000 smart meters from Poland’s National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management.

The grant, amounting to PLN 163 million ($41 million) towards the total project cost of PLN 242 million ($61 million) is for the purchase of 273,000 smart meters for installation in the area of the company’s operations in northwestern Poland in 2025.

About 200,000 units will be installed in rural areas and the remaining 73,000 in cities.

“Measurements in the depths of the grid are possible thanks to the balancing meters we have installed in medium voltage stations in recent years, and now additionally the constantly growing number of remote reading meters at end users,” said Marek Szymankiewicz, President of Enea Operator.

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“This is a very large amount of data, the so-called big data, which is a huge challenge for us in the context of analysis and drawing conclusions from the collected information. A challenge that we are willing to take up, and we intend to use the acquired knowledge in our network development plans.”

The project includes the purchase and installation of smart meters at consumers and the purchase and implementation of other elements of the smart metering and management infrastructure in order to optimise the operation of the network and improve electricity market processes.

The rollout forms part of a larger deployment of 2.4 million smart meters that Enea Operator intends to carry out in the years ahead in Poland.

It will be accompanied by the implementation of modern solutions enabling the company to handle increasingly automated and digital processes that are and will be developed to meet the challenges of the energy transformation and the construction of a low-carbon economy.

Józef Matysiak, Deputy President of the Management Board of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management, commented on the award: “We are financing the energy transition for the benefit of millions of energy consumers.”

Enea Operator also secured European Investment Bank funding towards its smart meter rollout and other distribution modernisation activities.