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Nokia grows IIoT Edge capabilities with MX Industrial Edge platform update

Nokia has unveiled the introduction of five additional third-party IoT applications to its MX Industrial Edge platform, aimed at bolstering industrial IoT functionalities in areas such as asset tracking, positioning, indoor navigation, and worker safety.

These new applications exploit the MX Industrial Edge’s low latency, robust connectivity, and built-in intelligence to foster more effective industrial operations. By situating these applications at the network’s edge, close to industrial assets and personnel, Nokia seeks to address prevalent issues like suboptimal asset use and inadequate inventory control.

Among the newly introduced applications, two are dedicated to the real-time tracking and positioning of industrial assets utilising technologies such as RFID and visual positioning systems. Nordic ID presents a comprehensive RFID solution for the digital identification and tracking of supply chain assets, while svarmony’s visual positioning application aids employees in navigating complex settings. A further application from HERE delivers precise outdoor GPS tracking for vehicles and staff.

In the domain of worker safety, Nokia has collaborated with Portalify and Secapp to devise intelligent solutions for solitary worker scenarios and efficient emergency responses. Portalify’s SmartView application employs a variety of positioning technologies to pinpoint employees’ locations and communicate this information to response teams upon the activation of an alert. Concurrently, Secapp provides a secure messaging and video chat service tailored for critical incident management.

Nokia is offering these IoT applications on the MX Industrial Edge as cloud-based solutions, streamlining the deployment and management process for industrial corporations seeking to maximise the value derived from IoT data.

Together with the Edge platform’s computing prowess and wireless connectivity features, Nokia is confident that these new applications will introduce significant new IoT use cases to clients within the manufacturing, logistics, and various operational sectors.

“With the acceleration of digital transformation across sectors, organisations require a varied suite of IoT applications to tackle urgent challenges,” stated Stephan Litjens, Vice President of Nokia’s Enterprise Campus Edge Solutions.

“The most recent expansions to our Industrial Application Catalogue utilise the intelligent Edge to improve efficiency, safety, and emergency readiness for industrial employees.”

Nokia’s foray into the IoT space is one of recent expansion. fFom its roots as a telecommunications and mobile phone giant to a leader in 5G and IoT solutions. This strategic pivot highlights the company’s adaptation to the digital age, focusing on connectivity and technological advancements to spearhead industry transformation. Most recently, the expansion of its Digital Automation Cloud private wireless solution into several European countries illustrates Nokia’s dedication to driving the IoT transformation within the logistics industry. This initiative further cements Nokia’s role in advancing the IoT direction, showcasing its commitment to leveraging digital technologies to enhance industrial and operational efficiencies worldwide.

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