Medical and healthcare

How technology is increasing accessibility to healthcare in the UK

The way healthcare is managed and provided has been changing dramatically in the last decade, largely due to the integration of digital technology.

With the ever-present pressures on national healthcare organisations, technology is being utilised to streamline practices and methods for all stakeholders. Access to healthcare is a significant factor because it determines whether members of the public receive the care and attention they need in an appropriate time frame.

With this in mind, how is technology being used to make healthcare more accessible to patients in the UK?


A significant change in terms of accessing healthcare was forced largely by the circumstances of the pandemic. With several lockdowns and risks surrounding face-to-face contact, telemedicine was relied upon heavily to provide the necessary standards of care without increasing the chances of exposure to the virus.

Some GP consultations are still being carried out by phone or video call, increasing accessibility for members of the public who can’t make it into practices. It’s also a plus for convenience, with patients being able to speak to a doctor from work or at home.

Online Pharmacies

The services of pharmacists are also becoming increasingly accessible with the rise of specialist online pharmacies. These businesses utilise the powers of digital technology to bring primary healthcare to your doorstep.

Members of the public can get discreet and timely advice on minor issues and ailments, and order appropriate treatments without leaving the comfort of their own homes. Quick delivery ensures fantastic convenience and relief from issues as efficiently as possible.

Mobile Health Apps

Digital platforms and apps are streamlining the medical process from end to end, allowing doctors and medical professionals to send and receive information faster. They are also allowing patients to be more connected and in control of their healthcare.

From apps to take daily heart rate and rhythm readings for patients dealing with conditions such as atrial fibrillation to online GP platforms allowing easy appointment booking, digital systems are revolutionising the way all stakeholders interact with each other. Most importantly, it’s making healthcare more accessible and convenient than ever.

Wearable Health Technology

The rise of smart technology has paved the way for innovative devices that are changing the way people monitor and manage their health.

Today’s smart watches typically come with ECGs and blood pressure monitoring functions built-in as standard. This gives people greater visibility over their health and can help spot the signs of many conditions more quickly.

Other wearable health tech includes glucose monitors for patients with diabetes, usually applied to the back of the arm. This device is connected to a smartphone and provides real-time data on glucose levels to help prevent diabetic attacks. 

These are a few of the ways that technology is revolutionising the way healthcare is provided, accessed and monitored. Digital technology is bringing healthcare professionals and patients closer together while streamlining the whole system to ensure people are getting the help they require in a more timely manner.