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Franklin & Sons and Canpack introduce 150ml aluminium format

Franklin & Sons worked with Canpack to introduce a convenient 150ml aluminium can size for its latest tonic water lines as consumers gravitate towards recyclable packaging.

The UK soft drinks pioneer has been creating a remarkable range of premium tonics, softs, and sodas since 1886 that combine natural flavours with premium ingredients. The drinks never include preservatives or sweeteners, but only natural botanical and citrus flavours, and the finest cinchona bark extract.

The new single-serve tonic water lines are set to showcase the company’s natural ingredients to an audience placing a premium on sustainability in a convenient format when making purchasing decisions.

The brands believe to convey the message of recyclability, while also creating a memorable experience and sees the infinitely recyclable metal can as the natural companion for this sustainable experience.

“At Franklin and Sons, every serve is an opportunity for a drink to be elevated by natural flavours and premium ingredients,” explains Tom Singleton, business director at Franklin & Sons. “We use our experience and heritage to craft tonics, softs, and sodas that are remarkable, and turn ordinary moments into extraordinary ones.”

“This vision proved to be a natural fit with Canpack’s approach to packaging,” adds Canpack’s Stephen McAneny, group commercial officer. “For us, too a can is not just a can, it’s a catalyst, offering chances to stimulate the senses and speak volumes about the promise and experience of its quality contents.”

Drawing on Canpack’s reputation for perfect print execution, these premium beverages have an appearance respecting the brand’s heritage yet showcasing a modern approach to drinks packaging with a clean and clear visual design. Their natural, premium ingredients are evoked by a cool and contemporary matt finish across the entire surface of the cans, which is presented in a convenient slim can.

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