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E.ON expands market presence in Berlin with sustainable energy projects

E.ON has announced both an expansion of its energy infrastructure projects in Berlin as well as a partnership with Estrel to develop a CO2-neutral hotel complex.

The energy company announced energy infrastructure projects in Berlin with a total installed capacity of up to 80MW, enough to supply 16,000 households with green energy.

The focus is on integrated, fossil-free energy solutions for heating, cooling, power generation and energy efficiency.

“Berlin is an important and extremely interesting market for us. We will continue our growth with existing and new customers,” stated Stefan Håkansson, global director city energy solutions at E.ON SE.

“In the future, we will also increasingly focus our attention on retrofit and modernisation projects in order to achieve faster reductions in emissions in existing buildings as well. In all this, Berlin serves us as a blueprint for other urban regions in Germany and Europe.”

The news is accompanied by a partnership announcement with Estrel, a German hotel complex.

The partnership will see E.ON implement a sustainable energy supply for the new Estrel Tower and investigate the possibilities of a CO2-neutral energy supply for the existing Estrel hotel complex as part of a real laboratory.

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Various generation technologies are to be used, including a high-temperature heat pump with near-surface geothermal energy, photovoltaic systems, battery storage and methane plasmalysis.

The produced hydrogen can in turn be used for CO2-neutral power and heat generation. Furthermore, it is planned to connect the Estrel Tower and the existing buildings energy-wise to leverage further synergy effects and increase the security of supply for the entire property.

“Together with RWTH Aachen University and Project Management Jülich, we have been working intensively on a green energy concept over the past twelve months. The project presented today pushes the limits of what is technically feasible and reflects the innovative character of the Estrel Tower development,” stated Maxim Streletzki, co-owner of the Estrel Group and developer of the Estrel Tower.

The partners signed a corresponding memorandum of understanding at the Greentech Festival in Berlin.

The announcement comes as E.ON is implementing a sustainable energy supply in more than 15 Berlin neighborhoods, including Tegel Airport, the Lichtenrad district and new high-rise buildings at Alexanderplatz.