Civil engineering and construction

Dominant UK Homeowner Trends That We Can Expect To See Continue

As the housing market continues evolving and adapting to changing circumstances, UK homeowners will face new trends and challenges in 2023. From emerging design preferences to shifting priorities, understanding these homeowner trends can help homeowners make informed decisions about their properties. 

Increasing Emphasis On Sustainability And Energy Efficiency

One prominent trend among UK homeowners is the growing emphasis on sustainability and energy efficiency. Homeowners are increasingly seeking eco-friendly solutions for their homes with concerns about climate change and rising energy costs (even if they do drop). You can see this in the rising popularity of energy-efficient appliances, solar panels, and smart home technologies. Additionally, homeowners are prioritizing environmentally friendly materials and construction methods when renovating or building new properties.

The Rise Of Multifunctional Spaces

Another significant trend is the increased demand for multifunctional spaces within homes. As more people work remotely and engage in flexible living arrangements, homeowners seek versatile areas that serve multiple purposes. For example, homeowners are converting spare rooms or garages into home offices, exercise spaces, or hobby rooms. This trend highlights the importance of adaptable design and furniture solutions that can easily transform a space to meet different needs.

More Research Before Hiring Tradespeople

With an increasing number of homeowners undertaking renovation projects, the demand for skilled tradespeople has surged. However, vetting and hiring reliable professionals who can deliver high-quality work is crucial. Homeowners should research and read reviews, seek recommendations, and obtain multiple quotes before making a hiring decision. This diligence can help avoid potential issues and ensure a positive renovation experience. People looking for local builders they can trust can use comparison and review sites to help them find the perfect tradesperson. MyBuilder allows you to post details of your job for registered tradespeople to pitch on, and you can see what their previous clients thought.

Technology Integration In Home Security

The integration of technology in home security is another trend gaining momentum in 2023. Homeowners are increasingly adopting smart security systems that offer advanced features such as surveillance cameras, motion sensors, and remote monitoring capabilities. These systems provide homeowners with enhanced control and peace of mind, allowing them to monitor their properties even when they are away. The integration of technology in home security also extends to smart locks and video doorbells, which offer added convenience and protection.

Ageing-In-Place Adaptations

With an ageing population, there is a growing trend towards ageing-in-place adaptations among UK homeowners. Many individuals prefer to remain in their own homes rather than move to assisted living facilities. As a result, homeowners are investing in modifications that enhance accessibility and safety, such as installing grab bars, ramps, and walk-in showers. Additionally, smart home technologies, such as voice-activated assistants and remote monitoring systems, are being incorporated to aid in independent living.

Outdoor Living Spaces And Garden Transformations

Given the limitations and uncertainties brought about by the pandemic, homeowners are increasingly investing in outdoor living spaces and garden transformations. These areas provide a sanctuary for relaxation, recreation, and socializing. Features such as outdoor kitchens, seating areas, and fire pits are in high demand. Homeowners are also focusing on creating low-maintenance gardens with native plants and sustainable landscaping practices.