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Common Types of Mining And Their Benefits

Minerals play a vital role in everyone’s life. For instance, they supply infants with daily needs of zinc, iron, and other minerals that support their growth. This is why mining has become one of the most popular ways to sustain mineral supply across the globe. 

Well, there are different types of mining that you should know and each has to offer benefits. Here, we explore four methods of how mining really works for deeper understanding. 

Benefits of Mining 

Mining is among the ancient practices which people rely on in their everyday life. It works by extracting minerals from the ground, like ore, soil, and even coal. These objects can be found in mountains wherein experts create a tunnel for easy access to get the minerals. 

Though mining has a huge ecological impact, its benefits can outweigh the damages by developing ways for modern mining. These include:

  1. Mining Creates More Jobs

People working in the mines are putting their lives in great danger. They can experience serious injuries due to weakening structures that may lead to death. However, the demand for minerals and other substances continues to increase and as a result, it opens more job opportunities for the public. 

  1. Mining Develops New Technologies

Constructing tunnels becomes easier with the use of technology. It also enhances every worker’s safety while digging the ground. Mining will require heavy equipment to finish the work faster and more accurately. The right tool will also ensure better safety on the site. 

  1. Mining Speeds Up Economic Growth 

As people can easily find a job, the economy will eventually mature through mining. The huge population plays a vital role in the economy in terms of need satisfaction wherein mining has a part.  

Four Common Mining Methods 

There are many ways to extract minerals, depending on the miner’s knowledge and skills. Each one is made for specific purposes and has advantages to offer. Read on to better understand how each method works. 

  1. Surface Mining

This one is the most common practice in the mining industry. It can extract different types of minerals from the earth’s surface, such as iron, bauxite, and coal. It is also more cost-efficient than the other mining methods. 

Here are three ways to dig tunnels and get deposits on the surface of the earth:

  • Strip Mining

If you are looking for an easy way to collect shallow deposits,  the best method will be strip mining. There is no need to dig the ground vertically to have access to the minerals. The right way is to eliminate a part of the surface until the deposits appear and can be extracted. 

Such a method applies to mining sites with shallow deposits that are positioned horizontally. It is very ideal for broader mining sites. Nonetheless, it completes the excavation process a lot quicker and safer. 

  • Open-Pit Mining

This one is the opposite of the previous mining method that digs a tunnel vertically. Reaching out where the mineral deposits are located may take a little longer than strip mining. Working on a narrow area makes open-pit mining the best choice. The excavation process will deepen the ground, unlike the strip method that expands the surface. 

  • Mountain Removal Mining 

Minerals can also be found beneath the mountains or hills. This makes open-pit mining an alternative to this method. Just know the mountain range to pick which one is the right option. 

  1. Underground Mining 

Some minerals can be discovered on a deeper surface. Underground mining, for instance, works for up to 300-meters in-depth to collect minerals. Gold and silver are a few kinds of minerals subject to underground mining. As you can see, they had a higher economic value due to an increased effort to reach them. 

Below is the different mining methods to be performed underground:

  • Room and Pillar Mining

Getting ore seams is more possible with this mining method. It helps to preserve the best quality of the ore once it is extracted from a certain room. 

  • Black Caving Mining

If open-pit mining did not work, this one could be your alternative. It demands drilling holes in the ground to obtain ore and special rocks. Technology plays a significant role in separating the ore and rocks with the use of gravity. This breaking down process is necessary to maximize the ore’s value. 

  • Longwall Mining

Ore and coal production are better off with the longwall mining method. It uses shearer equipment to easily extract the said minerals and increase the level of produced goods. This method works best in processing deposits continually.  

  1. Placer Mining

While the previous mining methods apply to hard minerals, this one is recommended for sediments. It benefits from the sifting process to create valuable metals, such as diamonds. This is intended for sites near the river. 

  1. In-situ Mining

The last but the cutting-edge of all mining methods is the in-situ process. It involves a special solution to be injected into rocks and ore. It will leave minerals on the surface, such as uranium. 

Final Thoughts 

There are many factors to consider in picking a mining method, including the location, deposit’s value, and the environment. Among the best choices is the opencut or underground mining which is so popular these days. It focuses on extracting minerals that have a greater value. However, the other methods are also worth trying.