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Electric vehicle emissions saving tool updated

Enel X and pharmaceutical company Novartis have launched a new version of a tool to monitor the environmental and health impacts of emobility.

The tool developed for Italian cities utilises an algorithm to calculate emissions and other benefits of emobility drawing on the number of electric vehicle (EV) refills made, the amount of energy delivered and the distance covered.

A key feature of the upgrade to version 3.0 is the ability to measure not only emissions of CO2, particulate matter in its different dimensions (PMx) and nitrogen oxides (NOx), but also the reduction in urban noise pollution favoured by e-mobility uptake.

For example, at the time of writing, the over 2.5 million refills supplied since the start of 2018 have delivered almost 31.9 million kWh of energy and a travel distance of over 187 million km.

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These have delivered savings calculated at over 23 million kg of CO2 and almost 1,800kg of PMx and 63,400kg of NOx.

The noise equivalent savings are over 33,300 cars in a year and the savings in public health and environmental costs amount to almost €4.5 million (US$5.3 million), largely associated to the management of chronic diseases.

“The Emission Saving Tool is a tool we created as a tangible expression of our belief in the importance of promoting electric mobility,” says Augusto Raggi, Head of Enel X Italia.

“Today, with the added feature of quantifying the reduction in urban noise pollution by use of an electric vehicle, we show once again that the rapid spread of e-mobility is a consolidated fact that brings benefits for everyone.”

For the new version of the tool, Enel X reports drawing on studies by the Conference of European Directors of Roads, which highlighted a significant reduction in emobility noise emissions between 20km/h and 50 km/h.

As part of the partnership between the companies to promote emobility in Italy, Enel X is installing EV charging infrastructure from its Juice range at Novartis’s new Milan office and its other Italian offices. An integrated solution including provision of an electric or hybrid vehicle and installation of a domestic charger also is being offered to Novartis employees.

“It is time to be ambitious and create a model for the prevention of chronic diseases,” adds Pasquale Frega, Country President and CEO of Novartis in Italy.

“We firmly believe in a One Health approach where health, environmental protection and sustainable development all form part of the same strategy: a strategy designed to launch a new, more complete and effective model of wellbeing for citizens.”