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Whey protein and casein star in new meal replacement concept

Whey protein and casein star in new meal replacement concept

Image courtesy of Arla Foods Ingredients

Arla Foods Ingredients has launched a new concept highlighting the power of whey and milk protein ingredients to create on-trend meal replacements.

With many consumers turning away from crash diets and towards more holistic approaches to weight management, demand for meal replacements has grown. The global market for such products – most commonly protein bars, powder shakes and RTD beverages – has grown at a CAGR of 7% over the last ten years, with one in four people now consuming them at least once a week.1

A key trend in the category is demand for healthy, natural ingredients. The most successful weight management products are low in sugar and high in protein, as well as offering convenience and great taste. Whey protein and casein account for over 80% of protein ingredients in RTDs, powder shakes and bars marketed as meal replacements.2

Now Arla Foods Ingredients has launched a new concept to demonstrate how whey protein and casein can help manufacturers create on-trend meal replacement products. It features three new convenient solutions which showcase the versatility of the company’s Lacprodan range of whey protein and micellar casein ingredients. High in protein, the three recipes also provide carbohydrates, fibre and fat, and are rich in essential vitamins and minerals:3

  • RTD beverage: A ready to drink beverage with 100% native micellar casein isolate – a slow-digesting protein for long-lasting satiety. It combines heat stability and low viscosity with a neutral taste that is easy to flavour

  • High-protein bar: With a blend of casein and whey protein for optimal texture and satiety, this nutrient-rich bar maintains its soft texture throughout its shelf life

  • Protein shake: A blend of slow-digesting micellar casein and fast-absorbing whey with a neutral taste that is easy to flavour.

Laima Liepinyte, sales development manager, Health and Performance Nutrition, at Arla Foods Ingredients, said: “Casein and whey protein are must-have ingredients in meal replacements and these new solutions tick all the important boxes in the category. They are packed with essential nutrients – not just protein but also lipids, carbohydrates, fibre, vitamins and minerals. They are also quick to prepare and easy to consume, making them ideal for the lifestyle needs of busy, active consumers. We hope they will inspire manufacturers to continue to innovate in a category that is increasingly important in the weight management space.”

1HealthFocus®  International 2020 Global Trend Study

2Innova Market Insights, 2021

3As stipulated by international Codex and EU regulations (REF: Commission Directive 96/8/EC, 2007/29/EC, CODEX Standard 181-1991)

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