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Volpak-Incremar partnership improves production capacity and reduces manufacturing times

Volpak and Incremar have extended their partnership after the packaging company provided a brand new SL 170, a machine operating from a single reel of flexible packaging material, forming the pouch, filling it with product, and sealing.

The range of products marketed by the South American company includes baby food, soups, banana and soybean meal, oat flakes, maize, and soy-based beverage preparations. Because all Incremar products have one thing in common – the quality and search for the sustainability of the supply chain – it wanted to use only high-end technology for its production lines.

Incremar uses the pouch as its ideal form of packaging, being that it is sufficiently flexible, easy to handle, and durable for a wide range of food products, both solid and liquid. The post-Covid effect, which saw prolonged periods of lockdown where people cooked at home, has revived home consumption of easy-to-prepare foods with high nutritional value, such as soups, rice, and cereals.

As demand grew, Incremar felt the need to improve production capacity and reduce manufacturing times and operational load. Foods such as noodles, rice, cereals, and maize, are characterised by different weights and volumes and require a solution able to ensure sturdy and practical packaging in all cases, as well as convincing aesthetics. The same is true for any kind of product: the packaging machine must be suitable for processing products of different weights, and characteristics, producing sturdy packaging, while at the same time allowing practical opening and easy access to the contents.

The equipment used by Incremar is specifically designed for the packaging of soup sachets, but configurable to be able as well to handle different types of products. It is in fact equipped with an auger filler, suitable for packaging powdered products such as banana flour, and a volumetric filler dedicated instead to packaging solids such as cereals and maize.

Proving its flexibility, the SL 170 can also use different kinds of packaging films: not just standard heat-sealable, but also 100% recyclable. It also features the latest version of the “Optimate”, Coesia smart and intuitive HMI, providing also low operating and maintenance costs.

According to Incremar, the first months of the machine’s operation revealed great efficiency and productivity that lived up to expectations, without giving rise to any problems.

The company added that the installation of the Volpak machine contributed to the containment of personnel costs and the reduction of downtime, helping to increase the company’s overall efficiency index. There are plans to install other units within the Ecuadorian company’s facilities in the future, following the same principle adopted from the beginning of this (and other) projects: to provide customers with comprehensive support, as well as solutions focused on flexibility.

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