Valpak: Simpler Recycling will drive recycling to the next level

Reconomy brand Valpak has welcomed Defra’s announcement on simpler recycling.
Steve Gough, CEO at Valpak – the UK’s largest compliance scheme – noted that successful recycling hinges on consumer participation.
With consistent recycling collections in place across England, packaging brands and retailers will be in a much better position to communicate with householders, via labelling on products or through direct messaging.
“It is this communication that will drive recycling to the next level,” Gough added.
“While the schedule for changes to household collections by 2026 gives plenty of time for service changes, it also ties in with EPR payments, bringing coherence to the wider EPR system. For packaging producers, the latest information on materials, combined with Defra’s recent announcement on higher-fee materials under eco-modulation, brings greater clarity on where design changes will lead to cost efficiency.
“Valpak’s consulting and packaging analysis team is already seeing a rise in brands looking to adapt products to meet the demands of the new system.”
Under the new regime, which is yet to be mandated, metal, glass, plastic, paper, card, food waste and garden waste must be collected by every authority in the country.
For the majority of local authorities, Simpler Recycling will begin in 2025 for non-household municipal premises (hospitals, schools etc), while household collections will come on line in March 2026.