Energy and powerNewsPower transmission

Ukraine’s DTEK Grids monitors voltage quality with depsys’ Grideye tech

Ukraine-based utility company DTEK Grids has partnered with depsys to implement a smart grid infrastructure for energy network resilience and sustainability.

By installing depsys’ Grideye technology, DTEK Grids claims it is the first energy firm in Ukraine to adopt grid automation and digitalisation.

The solution enables the utility to monitor the power flow and quality within the distribution network to avoid voltage overloading and fluctuations.

For instance, in DTEK Kyiv Grids the solution was used to detect voltage fluctuations beyond the normative limits where dips down to 170V (with a minimum value of 198V allowed in Ukraine) were realised. The company carried out needed steps to reconnect customers in order to balance the load.

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In 2020 alone, 276 emergency power outages occurred in DTEK Kyiv Grids, representing 20% of Customer Minutes Lost. The GridEye system identified one of the overloaded transformers causing these failures, with the peak load clearly tracked during the winter period.

Ivan Geliukh, the CEO of DTEK Grids, said the initiative is one of the ways the utility is studying the various application of digital solutions to enhance customer services, improve power supply quality and grid resilience in a cost-effective manner.

Real-time grid performance data provided by the solution is critical for utilities as more distributed renewable energy capacity is integrated with grids. Active monitoring in turn helps utilities to address issues such as renewables fluctuation and address associated risks and in the process accelerate the decarbonisation of grid networks, according to a statement.

In addition to monitoring, the GridEye solution also sends commands to control other electrical equipment on the grid, such as solar panels, charging stations, or batteries. This directly contributes to managing local flexibility, thereby maximising the use of renewable energies.

Depsys CEO Michael De Vivo said: “Depsys is thrilled to continue to support DTEK Grids in its modernization and digitalization journey. We are impressed by the vision and drive at DTEK Grids, clearly setting the standard for adoption of innovation.”