
UK Power Networks’ DSO opens up new data to boost renewables

UK Power Networks has become the first Distribution System Operator (DSO) to respond to industry calls and to publish full data on curtailment history across its network.

The company has acted to be more open with data on when and why distributed energy resources are curtailed to reduce the impact and produce more renewable energy in the customer’s home.

UK Power Networks introduced flexible connections to the UK in 2014, enabling renewable energy generators to connect to the network faster and cheaper. The trade-off is that flexible customers can sometimes see their exported energy curtailed to keep the network within safe limits. UK Power Networks’ DSO is already providing easy access to detailed data of curtailments into the public domain on its Open Data Portal.

After launching the UK’s first independent DSO in May 2023, the company has established new data and operations teams working to understand and reduce the curtailment process.

DSO Director, Sotiris Georgiopoulos, says, “We know generators want to get as much of the energy they produce onto the network, and that’s exactly what we are doing. By gaining a really clear understanding of exactly what’s happening and then working with our customers we’ve been able to deliver a significant drop in the volume and duration of curtailment.

“We strongly believe in the principle of opening up our data and we’re opening up granular curtailment reporting to release data on exactly how much spare capacity is available at each Grid Supply Point, and how many projects have already requested a new connection, supporting customers by sharing more data and ultimately getting more renewable energy into people’s homes at a lower cost.”

Commercial Director of Locogen, Phillipa Hardy, welcomed the move. She says, “The more data we have on curtailment, capacity and constraints, the more we can support our clients to plan where renewable energy, energy storage and hydrogen projects are best placed to support the networks and customers”.