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UK policy paper doubles down on vehicle electrification

A new white paper from the UK Department for Transport lays out their strategy and action plan for the rollout of electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure in the country.

The white paper, Taking charge: the electric vehicle infrastructure strategy, details the department’s strategies and goals for streamlining EV use and charging.

The paper’s strategy states two ambitions; to end the sale of new petrol, diesel petrol and diesel vehicles by 2030; and for all new cars and vans to be fully zero emission at the tailpipe by 2035.

The vision espoused by the new paper illustrates the department’s hope for the future of electric vehicles (EVs) in the UK. First, they plan to remove charging infrastructure as a barrier to the adoption of EVs. Second, they hope to enable cheaper and more convenient EV charging in comparison to its petrol station equivalent. Third, by 2030, they aim to have installed a minimum of approximately 300 000 public charges.

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EV charging rollout will be required to advance at pace to provide sufficient charge points ahead of demand. The goal is to fast track the UK into a scenario where:

• Everyone can access reliable public charge points no matter the area.
• Charging opportunities are not limited by income or location.
• Effortless on- and off-street charging for private and commercial drivers is the norm. Charging should be just as convenient and stress-free for those who currently park on street.
• Fairly priced and inclusively designed public charging is open to all.
• Market-led rollout for most charge points delivers a thriving charging sector.
• Infrastructure is seamlessly integrated into a smart energy system. This will in turn minimise the impact of the EV transition on the grid and offer the lowest cost tariffs to consumers.
• Continued innovation to meet drivers’ needs lowers cost and increases convenience.

The announcement of the whitepaper has occurred as an influx of investment is poured into the EV industry. Recent announcements include bp releasing £1 billion ($1.2 billion) for EV charging in the UK, to be unfurled over the next 10 years. Furthermore, the department of transport also recently announced the deployment of a fleet of green buses to 12 towns and cities (see below).