TSO/DSO Technopedia to launch in 2025

Source: Trilliant
ENTSO-E and the DSO Entity have announced the launch of the TSO/DSO Technopedia to promote the uptake of smart grid and other innovative technologies.
The TSO/DSO Technopedia, tasked to the two organisations in the European Commission’s action plan for the grids, is planned as a tool to describe grid technologies and real world use cases around Europe that can be deployed by TSOs and DSOs to support the energy transition.
As such it is intended to promote the uptake of commercially available smart grid, network efficiency and innovative technologies that can enhance the utilisation, stability, security and resilience of the electricity grid.
The initiation document released by ENTSO-E and the DSO Entity proposes a one-year cycle for each calendar year for the submission, review and publication of use cases.
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At the beginning of the ‘submission window’ – the first scheduled for early April and proposed to have a duration of four months – a technology list will be published, for which use cases that have been implemented are sought.
Then an approximately three month period is proposed for review, i.e. by around mid-November, followed soon thereafter by the publication of the use cases before year-end.
The document sets out a template for the technologies, including a general description, its benefits, current enablers, R&D needs, technology readiness level, the review process and a list of references.
Similarly the template for use cases comprises a brief description, the design and the results of their implementation.
Guidelines are that the use cases must be specific and should concern the overall technology, that the maturity level should be described and that the results and benefits are clearly stated and the descriptions of them are technology neutral.
ENTSO-E and DSO Entity intend to continuously improve the platform as an “effective and efficient methodology to show grid technologies”, with further feedback to be gathered and implemented before the launch of the 2025 submission window.