Civil engineering and construction

The Most Valued Work Benefits: What Brits Really Want

Gone are the days when employees simply asked for a good salary and an annual bonus. Nowadays, jobseekers prioritise work benefits that cater to their personal needs and lifestyles. However, not every benefit is created equal. Some are valued more than others.

In a survey conducted by specialist leaflet printers, instantprint, 44% of respondents claimed that their benefits do not fit their lifestyle. So, which benefits do Brits value the most? Is it the luxurious perks or the practical ones? Keep on reading to find out.

Flexible working 

Flexible working is a highly valued work benefit for many Brits. 45% of instantprint’s respondents put a high value on flexible working hours. In addition, 32% of respondents prioritise flexible working locations. This is not surprising given the rise of remote work and the need for a work-life balance.

Employees appreciate the freedom to work from home, adjust their schedules to accommodate personal commitments or work from a location that suits them. Employers who provide this benefit are often rewarded with loyal and productive staff.

Healthcare and insurance

Good healthcare is essential for maintaining employee well-being and ensuring that they can perform their duties without the worry of illness or disease. Dental care was favoured by 43% of respondents, while eye care was highly desired by 31% of respondents.

Employers who offer comprehensive healthcare insurance and cover regular check-ups are more attractive to job seekers than those who do not. It is important to provide the best possible care for your employees and help protect them from financial hardship due to medical bills.

Financial benefits 

Financial benefits, including paid sick leave and holidays, are also highly appreciated by employees. As the cost of living continues to rise, many Brits are more aware of their financial situations and seek jobs that offer financial security.

Paid sick leave ensures that employees can comfortably take time off work for medical needs without losing their income. Paid holidays offer staff the opportunity to take time off work, recharge, and return to work rejuvenated. Employers who go the extra mile to provide these benefits will stand out to potential job seekers and retain their current employees.

In conclusion, it is clear that Brits value work benefits that cater to their personal needs and lifestyles. The most valued benefits include flexible working hours and locations, healthcare and insurance options, and financial benefits such as paid sick leave and holidays.

Employers who offer these benefits not only attract more job seekers but also retain their current staff by keeping them satisfied and motivated. Providing valuable work benefits is a win-win situation for both employees and employers.