
The Fully Charged Show and FairCharge fight the ‘FUD’

With misinformation about electric vehicles and clean energy at an all time high, the Fully Charged Show and FairCharge have come together to #StopBS and to combat this FUD (fear, uncertainty and doubt).

Vested interests have almost limitless funs with which to pollute public discourse, making it easy to feel powerless to prevent that. 

Today, the two ask to help change this, and they plan to do it through fast turnaround infographic rebuttals to published pieces, proactively placing spokespeople on mainstream media and engaging with political influencers. 

A newly launched Patreon profile has been set up to encourage financial support to make a material difference as they commit to persuading people to #StopBurningStuff. 

They hope to harness support to turn the tide of negativity and spread the positive energy that is the lived experience of millions of EV drivers all around the world. 

Robert Llewellyn, Founder of the Fully Charged Show, says, “In 13 years of reporting on electric vehicles and clean energy, we cannot recall a time when anti-electric car rhetoric has been so widespread and so severe. 

“The reality is that consumers around the world are voting with their feet and buying more and more battery electric vehicles in spite of this needless negativity. In the UK, the opportunity still remains for us to play a part in the new energy and transport paradigm, but misinformation will only leave us stranded in the past.” 

Quentin Willson, Founder of FairCharge, adds, “FairCharge is joining Fully Charged to campaign for a more affordable, efficient and faster switch to electrification. We want to help support this historic energy transition for the next generation and the generation after that. We want cleaner air, energy independence and cheaper sustainable energy for all. But we can’t do this in a howling blizzard of misinformation.

“FairCharge and Fully Charged are asking for balance, honesty, light and shade, and fairness in all energy transition reporting. Because we believe honest accuracy is everything.”