Rail engineeringTransport

Teruel to host RENFE digital skills hub

es-RENFE digital training centre Teruel

SPAIN: A series of digital competence centres is to be established by national railway RENFE as part of a wider government programme aimed at decentralising skills development to smaller communities around the country.

es-RENFE digital training centre Teruel-2

Transport Minister José Luis Ábalos announced the launch of the programme in Teruel on September 16. To be branded as ‘Clouds’ by RENFE, the digital skills centres will form part of the group’s 2019-23 Strategic Plan.

Teruel has been chosen to host the first hub, partly because it has a station building large enough to support the 50 to 60 posts that the scheme will create. All will have a focus on digitalisation of infrastructure maintenance and renewal. The facility will be available for use from May 2021, and it is intended to serve as a magnet for other companies engaged in similar technological and engineering activity.

Teruel is also seen as a convenient location because it lies at the heart of the Zaragoza – Sagunt Cantábrico-Mediterráneo Corridor, which is now being modernised at a cost of €4∙81m to support increasing volumes of freight traffic.