A Memorandum of Understanding has been signed between Teco 2030 and Gen2 Energy that will see the companies partnering on projects where green hydrogen is required for fuel cells.

Both Teco 2030 and Gen2 Energy will investigate the supply of green hydrogen from Gen2’s relevant projects where customers require hydrogen and power conversion through fuel cells in locations such as ports and offshore fish farms. Additionally, Gen2 will use Teco 2030’s marine fuel cells in its seaborne value chain, enabling the transportation of hydrogen on board vessels that are powered by hydrogen fuel cells.

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The duo will work to achieve soft funding for maritime hydrogen applications in addition to developing a complete hydrogen value chain through a project called Hydrogen Hub Nordland. Furthermore, the collaboration aims to develop and establish an effective value chain for hydrogen industry in northern Norway to enable zero-emission sailing along the country’s coastline.

“We are excited to continue the development of creating a maritime hydrogen value chain,” commented Tore Enger, CEO of Teco 2030. “Gen2 Energy is an exciting industry leader aiming to supply the UK and mainland Europe with green hydrogen from Norway. Together we can create a world-class maritime and heavy-duty hydrogen infrastructure foundation to build our zero-emission future upon.”

“We are pleased to sign this MoU with Teco 2030,” added Jonas Meyer, CEO at Gen2 Energy. “The company has strong presence in the maritime sector and has taken an attractive early mover position toward fuel cells. Together, we aim to reduce emissions in the maritime and heavy-duty sectors by making green hydrogen accessible and easy to adapt for our customers.”