
TechNES – next FPGA event announced

The next TechNES (https://technes.org.uk/) FPGA Front Runners event will be held at the Rolls Royce engine controls factory in Solihull on October 19th. This allows us to bring more people together and start to really drive FPGA and ASIC collaboration forwards for the UK.

We are also looking to encourage students to the event, so they can find out more about the FPGA & ASIC world, what a career might look like, meet the members, and find out what employment opportunities might be there for them. We have created a transport kitty to help towards their travel costs to help encourage them to attend. Rolls Royce will be offering a factory tour for them as well.

We will also have a mini expo area showcasing some of our members products and services, to help with networking and collaboration. We now have 10 tabletops booked showcasing a range of members and suppliers – we will have exhibitors from Adiuvo Engineering, Rolls Royce, Rebound Electronics, Cadence, Whats New in Electronics, Samtec, Efinix, IT Dev, Sarsen Technology and Sigmai Electronics.

Alongside the expo will be Student Poster boards, we are asking students to submit their projects or research that could be relevant to this area for members to see what is going on out there and what could be of interest to members to support.

Agenda of speakers will be

8:30 Arrival
9:30 Welcome and Introduction – Steve Drew
10:00 Rolls Royce – Summary and Electronics Overview
10:30 Adiuvo – FPGA design using matlab
11:00 Break
11:30 Microchip – Introduction to Polarfire
12:00 Lunch & Networking
13:00 Efinix – Overview
13:30 Renishaw – FPGA Design and Verification
14:00 Siemens EDA – EC-FPGA, the equivalence checking tool
14:30 Break
15:00 OpenUK – Open Source Patents and Standards Challenges
15:30 Isola Group – High Speed Materials
16:00 Summary
17:00 Close

We will also be running a separate stream dedicated to students, with presentations from Rolls Royce and Cadence, along with a tour.

It’s a great step forwards in developing a vibrant UK community. And we hope to see you there and get you involved.

Please register to attend using this link : https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/fpga-frontrunner-event-tickets-379173777977

Places are limited and visitors will need to complete a form before being allowed on site, so book early to avoid disappointment.