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Tata Power Delhi awarded for grid-connected Community Storage system

Indian utility Tata Power Delhi has been recognised at the Asian Power Awards for its innovative Rani Bagh battery energy storage system.

The 150KW/528KWh was developed in partnership with Nexcharge and is India’s first grid-connected Community Energy Storage System.

The utility says it is using the project to manage peak load, regulate voltage, improve power quality, for frequency regulation and deviation settlement mechanisms to ensure grid reliability at the distribution level.

The system enables Tata Power to take advantage of energy flexibility to address power adequacy concerns during exigency.

The project is part of efforts by Tata Power Delhi to adopt new technologies to improve services to its 7 million customers, expand renewable energy capacity and align operations with changing business models.

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Ganesh Srinivasan, the CEO of Tata Power Delhi, said energy storage will play a key role in helping India to generate 50% of total electricity from renewables by 2030 and reduce carbon emissions by one billion tonnes by 2030.

Indian Power Minister’s visit to Battery Energy Storage System in Rohini. Image: Tata Power

Srinivasan added: “Tata Power-DDL is striving to reach new milestones every day in the field of innovation and technology. This award reaffirms our efforts and commitment to transform the power distribution space. We are proud to receive this recognition from Asian Power.”

The utility has also deployed what is touted to be South Asia’s largest grid-scale Battery Energy Storage System, the 10MW/10MWh Lithium-ion Battery-NMC in Rohini.

Developed in partnership with AES and Mitsubishi, the project supports 1.8 million customers through the provision of services including overload mitigation of substations, CAPEX deferral and reactive power management.

During a visit at the battery storage site, Shri Satyendar Jain, Hon’ble Power Minister, Govt. of NCT of Delhi, said Delhi should set up ambitious energy storage targets like the 200MW by 2025 set by Singapore to deliver the energy transition, ensure energy sustainability and security whilst mitigating climate change.