A delivery ceremony has been held at the Rauma Marine Constructions’ shipyard, in Rauma, Finland, to mark the delivery of the LNG-fueled MyStar fast ferry to the Tallink Grupp.

The 212.4m-long vessel, which is stated to be the most technologically advanced and energy efficient ferry operating in the Baltic Sea, benefits from five eight-cylinder dual-fuel main engines which can run on conventional marine diesel fuel and liquefied natural gas (LNG) to reduce emissions.

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The diesel-electric propulsion system, combined with fixed pitch propellers, was chosen to deliver the best efficiency levels and enables the MyStar to reach a speed of up to 27kts.

The ferry has a 2,800-passenger capacity and will head for the Old City Harbour in the Port of Tallinn, Estonia, before entering operations on December 13, 2022, alongside Tallink’s other vessels the Megastar and Star on the company’s Tallinn to Helsinki shuttle service route.