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Study to optimise transmission capacity with power line data

A joint project between US-based utility company AES Corporation and LineVision, which develops overhead power line monitoring systems, will see data gathered through Dynamic Line Ratings (DLR) to evaluate how renewable energy can be optimally integrated on to the power grid.

The joint project aims to assess how Grid Enhancing Technologies (GETs) may increase transmission capacity on the existing power grid. The study is being launched this month and will conclude before the end of the year.

The project will use LineVision’s DLR for proposed deployment at an AES utility based on a system study to determine locations best suited for the most beneficial impact to the system and customers.

The tech is hoped to allow grid operators to gain real-time awareness of the health and performance of transmission lines, enhancing safety and longevity, while congestion costs to ratepayers and curtailment costs to developers are lowered.

According to LineVision, their DLR tech has been shown to increase transmission capacity on existing lines quickly and at a fraction of the cost of traditional transmission upgrades while doubling the integration of renewable energy capacity on the grid.

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“There are several exciting technologies that can be used to enhance the capacity of our grid,” said Kristina Lund, AES president of utilities. “AES looks to lead the industry in deploying advanced technologies, like DLR, that allow us to deliver safe, reliable, and affordable energy to our customers as the demands for increasingly green energy and electrified communities grow.”

In October last year, LineVision announced the deployment of its DLR technology for National Grid, both in the US and in the UK, to monitor overheads and spot space for increasing renewables capacity.

“As we urgently move toward a net-zero future, utilities can test and bring on new technology to avoid system reliability issues while integrating record levels of renewables,” said Hudson Gilmer, chief executive officer of LineVision.