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Stem cell therapy advances: MSCs show potential in managing COVID-19 and influenza infections

Announcing a new article publication for BIO Integration journal. The emergence of infectious diseases, including viral zoonoses, has allowed intensive research into novel therapeutic approaches.

Stem cell therapy, mostly using mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), has garnered significant attention due to the immunomodulatory properties and tissue repair capabilities. MSCs have demonstrated promise in treating severe COVID-19 cases and several clinical trials have revealed that MSC therapy improves 28-day survival rates, reduces mortality, and accelerates recovery. These cells effectively mitigate a cytokine storm, relieve pulmonary symptoms, and positively influence organ recovery, including the liver and kidneys.

Bioanalytical readings return to normal following MSC administration, emphasizing the potential in managing COVID-19-induced complications. MSC therapy offers a potential solution for infection with the influenza virus, which is responsible for historical pandemics and epidemics, and remains a global health concern. MSCs inhibit immune cell-mediated responses and reduce lung damage in animal models, and despite antiviral drugs, influenza-induced manifestations persist. MSCs, with an ability to counteract inflammation and promote lung tissue repair, hold promise for managing influenza infection

While MSCs offer therapeutic benefits, certain challenges remain. Specifically, ethical considerations, regulatory hurdles, and scalability are some of the challenges that hinder widespread adoption. However, ongoing systematic reviews and meta-analyses provide real-time insight that support the security and effectiveness of MSC therapy.

Journal reference:

Datta, N., (2024) Stem Cell Therapy for SARS-CoV-2 and Influenza Virus Infections. BIO Integration.

Story first appeared on News Medical