
Specim Unveils Improved FX50 Mid-Wave Infrared Hyperspectral Camera

Specim announces its latest innovation, the Specim FX120, an advanced long-wave infrared hyperspectral camera with a full LWIR spectral range of 7.7 to 12.3 µm. This fast push-broom thermal hyperspectral camera is set to redefine chemical imaging capabilities in challenging environments, day and night. With its excellent spectral and spatial imaging performance, the Specim FX120 allows for the simultaneous capture of all 160 swath-width spectral bands at a high image speed of 240 frames per second.

“The Specim FX120 builds upon the Specim OWL camera’s success. By bringing it to the market, we aim to provide our customers with an even more advanced solution that delivers superior performance and value for the hyperspectral imaging applications that benefit from the LWIR spectral range.”

Tapio Kallonen, CEO at Specim


  • Black plastics sorting
  • Metal Industry
  • Geology and mining
  • Safety and Security

The new Specim FX50 drives cost efficiency and sustainability by enabling efficient raw material detection, manufacturing, and identifying valuable materials worth recovering for recycling and reuse. In particular, it revolutionises the field of black plastic sorting, as it is the only product with the required wavelength range capable of sorting difficult black plastics.

“One remarkable benefit of the Specim FX50 is its game-changing impact on black plastic sorting. The FX50 camera enables the identification and separation of black plastics effectively, helping to boost the efficiency, accuracy, and profitability of the crucial process”

Tapio Kallonen, CEO at Specim

Want to learn more?

To discuss the FX50 and your application, please contact our Technical Sales Manager, Dr. Luke Nicholls by email or call (01372) 378822.

Specim Unveils Improved FX50 Mid-Wave Infrared Hyperspectral Camera