
Solar and hydrogen cruise terminal building installed in Orkney

As part of the HIMET (Hydrogen in an Integrated Maritime Energy Transition) project, Advanté has worked in collaboration with OakTec to deliver a zero-emission, portable cruise terminal building to Kirkwall Harbor in Orkney, UK.

Located at Hatston Pier near Kirkwall, the new cruise terminal building will support the reduction of maritime-related carbon emissions while also helping the UK to meet net zero targets.

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The 10m two-story portable building was designed and built by Advanté and based on the company’s Oasis EcoMax Solar welfare unit setup. The building is powered by Advanté’s hybrid solar hydrogen power system, which is capable of harnessing, storing and supplying renewable energy to the units all-year round.

A newly developed OakTec hydrogen engine, which produces zero carbon emissions and only water vapor via the exhaust, has been integrated into the hybrid power system, with power necessary for the system to run produced offshore by wind and wave farms. Situated in the ground floor unit, the system provides the terminal with carbon-free power.

“I feel very proud to have played a part in this really exciting project for Orkney Island Council,” said Derek Copland, modular building manager, Advanté. “The building’s design is based on our Oasis EcoMax welfare units, but instead we have created an open plan reception and office space for various cruise activities. I look forward to seeing the results and incorporating this hybrid solar and hydrogen technology into future projects as well.”

The portable cruise terminal was delivered to the Orkney Harbour Authority by Advanté Transport, with assistance provided by David Watson Transport. The portable terminal is split into a reception area on the ground floor and an office area on the top floor.

“The cabins will provide both a lovely welcome area for cruise passengers to see what Orkney has to offer and a workspace area for the cruise and pier teams throughout the season,” commented an Orkney Harbour Authority spokesperson. “Their arrival shows a commitment to ensuring we make sustainable improvements to our services and ensures that Orkney provides the best reception to our visitors.”

By utilizing Advanté’s hybrid solar technology and OakTec’s new hydrogen engine the Orkney project aims to demonstrate how technology can contribute to the decarbonization of the maritime industry. It is just one of 55 projects which have been granted funding under the Department for Transport’s flagship Clean Maritime Demonstration Competition, delivered in partnership with Innovate UK.