Rail engineeringTransport

Silver IRIS certification now available with Gold on test

Railway track

INTERNATIONAL: The International Railway Industry Standard certification programme for the rail supply chain has been expanded, with companies now able to be obtain the Silver quality performance level during their next audit.

This follows the completion on September 1 of a one-year test of the standard, which builds on the Bronze certification which was previously the only one available.

A year-long test of the future Gold certification also began on September 1, ahead of the full launch in September 2021 of what will be the highest quality performance level.

On top of the Silver requirements, the main criteria for Gold are assessment of direct feedback from customers and approval by a committee appointed by the International Rail Quality Board.

IRQB said the launch of the additional quality performance levels would help to improve the efficiency, attractiveness and competitiveness of rail businesses, as they aim to meet the increasing requirements of the three levels.