
Shift Clean Energy explains PwrSwäp technology and announces MoU

After announcing the technology last week, Shift Clean Energy (Shift) has released a video explaining how its pay-as-you-go swappable battery system works.

With no upfront capital costs for companies seeking to transition to a clean form of energy, the system has been designed to deliver power when and where it is needed, enabling 100% uptime while also eliminating all carbon emissions and reducing maintenance.

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In addition to the technology announcement, Shift and Kotug International (Kotug) have signed an MoU to form a partnership.

Kotug will utilize the Shift PwrSwäp clean energy service to power its E-Pusher vessels. The partnership aims to support the marine sector by helping it meet environmental, social and governance objectives by delivering zero-emission shipping and logistics services. The signing of the MoU coincides with COP26 in Glasgow, UK, where the reduction of global greenhouse gases is a major focus.

“The message of COP26 is clear: we have to make changes now, with no time to waste,” said Brent Perry, the CEO of Shift. “Shipping accounts for significant GHG emissions, contributing to climate change, as well as particulates that are unhealthy for communities living near ports and inland waterways. PwrSwäp and E-Pusher bring zero-emissions solutions today.”

The E-Pusher series from Kotug is a range of modular and scalable electric pusher tugs powered by swappable energy containers. The Kotug E-Pusher design has a draft that is 30% less than traditional pusher tug designs. With its modular design, a range of vessels can be produced to suit different types of waterways. It also means a 50% faster delivery time.

“Combining our services paves the way for ready-to-market zero-emission solutions,” said Ard-Jan Kooren, the president and CEO of Kotug. “Our modular and scalable E-Pusher design is readily available for large-scale assembly. We look forward to a fruitful cooperation.”

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