
Seica at electronica 2022

Seica is where customers look for leading-edge solutions and at Electronica 2022 Booth A3-459 they will be highlighting innovative solutions aimed at providing facilitated, sustainable and, at the same time, powerful “Testability for Designers”.

“Design for testability” is a well-known concept in the world of electronic board design, and it is one of the many requirements that design engineers have to deal with every day. Another aspect of their daily work is design validation and, in particular, testing prototypes, all within the time to market restrictions imposed by today’s accelerated product lifecycle: from concept, to design, to prototype, to production, to legacy repair.

Seica’s Pilot VX has an extensive suite of measurement hardware and software tools to enable the test and validation of prototypes quickly and with minimum effort. Testing low volumes is certainly the first thing that comes to mind when a flying prober is mentioned, even though the latest generation, which the Pilot VX represents, is now key in many high-volume production environments due to dramatic improvements in speed and performance. But Seica has added many capabilities and tools that specifically address the needs of designers when testing prototypes.