Food and beverageNewsProcess industries

Seafood will soon overtake poultry as main driver of world’s protein supply

Seafood production will reach a turning point, with aquaculture and wild catch, leading growth it to surpass poultry as the leading contributor to global protein supply growth.

According to Rabobank’s Global animal protein outlook 2025, this year marks a pivotal moment for production across various regions and commodities.

Overall production is set to grow slightly faster than in 2024, driven by aquaculture, wild catch, and poultry. Seafood and pork are expected to transition from contraction to growth, while beef will move from growth to contraction, reshaping market dynamics and supply chains.

The team at Rabobank notes that as the global economy strives for recovery, anticipated policy shifts from new governments could introduce protectionist measures, leading to tariffs and higher trade costs.

Military conflicts may further disrupt shipping and freight, impacting global trade and increasing market volatility. Although inflationary pressures have been easing, policy decisions could reverse this trend, potentially weakening consumer demand if incomes do not rise accordingly.

Aquaculture and wild catch are projected to grow by 2.3% year-on-year, rebounding from a 0.3% decline in 2024. Poultry will continue its steady growth, while beef production will decline due to contractions in major regions. Pork production will be up marginally (+0.1%) after significant growth from 2021 to 2023 following recovery from African swine fever.

Growth in terrestrial species production will decelerate in most regions, with Brazil experiencing a 1% contraction. China will see a small increase after negative growth in 2024. Oceania will maintain steady production, while the EU-27+UK, North America, and Southeast Asia will face slower growth than in 2024.

The presence and impact of animal diseases continue to challenge producers and Rabobank sees them increasingly turning to vaccines, genetics, and technologies like artificial intelligence to better manage and control animal disease.

Sustainability remains a focus for animal protein supply chains, with legislative action and nature-related pressures posing strategic risks.

Companies are encouraged to prepare for data collection as reporting guidelines evolve and to find synergies between climate, nature, and regulatory demands through emerging technologies.

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