Food and beverageNewsProcess industries

Seafood processors to take part in upcycling trials

BIM has teamed up with Finnish company SuperGround on a project to help seafood processors upcycle co-products to produce high quality food products.

The company’s patented process yields a paste that can be widely used in human foods such as an ingredient in fish cake and fish nuggets, fish patties, fish fingers, fish paté, and soups.

SuperGround presented at the BIM Seafood Innovation Network co-product workshop in Teagasc, Ashtown, last November, with several product concepts available for tasting purposes.

Dr Michael Gallagher, innovation manager, BIM, said: “SuperGround has designed novel scalable food processing solutions that can upcycle co-products to produce high quality food products, thus increasing competitiveness, sustainability and circularity.

“Following strong interest from more than 70 industry attendees at the BIM Seafood Innovation Network co-product workshop, BIM engaged with SuperGround, supported by Hatch Blue, to further explore their technology and how it can be applied to the Irish processing industry.”

Trials are planned on pelagic, whitefish and salmon co-products from March to May 2025 in Killybegs, with some eight processors interested in taking part. The possibility of an industry visit during early 2025 to view the technology in a commercial setting is currently being assessed.

Meanwhile, HUB4FOOD is an EU project that aims to enhance innovation and sustainability in the Atlantic food sector with a specific focus on marine-derived products and product development using new technologies. There are 11 partners in total, including the Bia Innovator in Athenry and Teagasc Ashtown

Last November, BIM presented at a HUB4FOOD workshop at the Bia Innovator campus in Athenry, highlighting progress on an ongoing project to valorise co-products and underutilised fish species through developing product concepts and engaging various markets.

“Several processors are reviewing commercial opportunities that have been identified and BIM will seek to support them further in these areas,” said Dr Gallagher. “In addition to potentially enhancing competitiveness, the sustainability and circularity benefits were also discussed.”

HUB4FOOD is seeking applications from seafood SMEs for which both Bia Innovator and Teagasc Ashtown will provide support to the successful applicant. BIM will continue to collaborate with the Bia Innovator and Teagasc Ashtown in the HUB4FOOD project.

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