Scana’s Seasystems to Deliver Mooring Equipment for Offshore Project in West Africa

Torkjell Lisland, MD at Seasystems – ©Seasystems
Norwegian company Scana said Monday that its subsidiary Seasystems had signed a sizeable contract for the delivery of an anchoring system to an FSO project offshore West Africa.
“This is a sizeable contract for Scana, valued close to NOK 50 million [currently around $4,8 million],” Scana said.
Under the contract, with an unnamed client, Seasystems will deliver mooring equipment such as dual-axis chain stoppers and chain handling systems. The delivery is expected for the first quarter of 2024.
“Seasystems has worked systematically to develop hardy and cost-effective mooring solutions, and we now see good results from this work,” Torkjell Lisland, MD at Seasystems, said.