Energy and powerNewsPower transmission

Rome flexibility project begins

RomeFlex, a flexibility project from Italian DSO Areti, has commenced. The project aims to drive smarter distribution networks in the city of Rome.

According to the DSO, RomeFlex (Reshaping Operational MEthods to run grid FLEXibility) allows for the creation of a local flexibility market in some areas of the city.

The project was developed in response to the Regulatory Authority for Energy, Networks and the Environment’s (ARERA’s) Resolution 352/21, which aims to advance pilot projects that allow distributors to experiment with the supply of local flexible services.

Customers at low and medium voltage levels whose plants fall within the areas identified will be able to modulate their consumption/production and will be able to take part in the project by offering their flexibility services to Areti.

RomeFlex customers will thus be able to become a flexibility service provider and actively participate in its management.

Those who provide the requested flexibility services will also be recognised as an economic value based on the service rendered and possibly, when envisaged, an economic value for their willingness to supply the service.

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The project provides for forward auctions, managed through the Forward Market and aimed at guaranteeing and remunerating BSPs (Balancing Service Providers) – for the duration of one year – the availability of flexibility resources at a specific price that will be formed during the auctions themselves.

According to Areti, technological solutions will guarantee total automation of all phases of the market and the implementation of services. Use of blockchain aims to guarantee transparency and certification of economic settlement transactions of the service and technical reporting of the successful provision of the service itself.

Technological and market infrastructure from Areti is also hoped to allow participation of all types of distributed resources (starting from individual 3kW users up to large generation or consumption plants) both individually and aggregate, without predefined geographical and dimensional limits.

Exception is for those deriving from time to time from the precise needs of the Rome electricity grid.

Areti cites the RomeFlex project as one of many innovation projects, such as the European project PlatOne, they are engaged in to develop solutions that promote flexibility in distribution networks and the evolution towards smart grids.

The DSO has started the consultation procedure for the project where, until 31 January 2023, all interested parties will be able to provide comments.