Energy and powerNews

Red Eléctrica and EnerAgen collaborate on smart meter analysis hub

A DataHub pilot project is being developed by Red Eléctrica and EnerAgen, aiming to allow public administrations access to information on energy consumption from across 30,000 smart metering supply points to enable analysis and drive energy efficiency.

The pilot is being driven by Spanish TSO Red Eléctrica and EnerAgen, an association of 27 Energy Agencies and public bodies. The project is hoped to provide transparency to the members of EnerAgen to augment decision-making and support energy saving and efficiency measures.

The result of the initiative is the HubApp, an IT platform that currently allows public administrations that are members of EnerAgen to access information on hourly consumption across supply points, enabling analysis of such consumption and its large-scale export for integration into other IT applications they may have.

Marga Rodríguez Prada, manager of EnerAgen, highlighted in a statement that “for EnerAgen, ensuring agile, effective and efficient access to consumption and generation information from smart meters is a key element in the planning, management and implementation of energy policies at different territorial and jurisdictional levels and, therefore, a priority for the Association”.

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The platform is fed by structural data provided by the various public administrations, consisting of up to 30,000 supply points, as well as information available in SIMEL, an information system that stores data on hourly energy consumption, generation and self-consumption across the Spanish electricity system.

According to Ricardo Bajo, manager of power measurements and settlements area at Red Eléctrica, “having this information available in a centralised, homogeneous, easy and secure manner, as well as in a way that is neutral and independent of the energy supplier or the owner of the networks to which their supply points are connected, is an important facilitating element for public administrations to develop their competencies in the field of energy, contain public spending and contribute to achieving the objectives in the fight against climate change.”

Work is currently underway on future developments of the platform to expand it to include data from self-consumption facilities and power generation facilities, and to provide additional information on consumption.