Provisur’s inline reclaim system helps processors get more meat out of their grind operation

Provisur’s trusted industry leader in mixing and grinding, the Weiler Mixer Grinder Dominator 14 360B now comes with a powerful add-on, an inline reclaim system that helps processors get more meat out of their grind operation.
The Weiler Mixer Grinder Dominator 14, renowned for its quality and durability, is an excellent long-term investment for processors of beef, pork, chicken, alternative proteins, pet foods and other raw materials.
Used in tandem with Provisur’s Dominator Max inline reclaim system, it allows processors to maximise output and deliver an end product with premium texture. Meat that is rejected during the hard tissue collection process and that would otherwise move to the waste stream is reclaimed, enabling producers to boost their profits.
The Weiler Mixer Grinder Dominator 14 has a number of features. Twin overlapping, counter rotating paddles combine with an unload screw to provide a quick, thorough mixing action that is gentle on the product while ensuring a consistent mix of all raw materials. The technology in the grinding head provides clean cuts without increasing the temperature, and Dominator Balanced Flow Technology perfectly
balances the flow of material, thereby maximising throughput efficiency.
Technical leakage and losses during the process are kept to an absolute minimum. An inline fat analysis, which is typically integrated after the first grinder, provides exact data on fat content and, if necessary, requests more fat or more lean meat to reach the target range. This gives processors a high level of control and enables them to reliably meet fat content and quality requirements.
The Dominator Max can reclaim good product that would otherwise go into the waste stream, making it the ideal choice for higher yield. It is mounted on the Weiler Mixer Grinder and uses the grinder’s power. There are no extra, bulky drives and therefore no separate equipment to operate and maintain. The Dominator Max inline reclaim is a low-cost system that delivers maximum efficiency. With every batch that is processed, it generates additional yield. When calculated across multiple lines and multiple shifts, this rapidly leads to a return on investment, in some cases after only two weeks.
Provisur delivers both fully automated modules for high-capacity single-product lines and semi-automated machines for smaller, more flexible lines. Furthermore, given Provisur’s full-line expertise, individual machines are integrated into line systems in which machines communicate throughout the process with minimum human touchpoints.
The Provisur Feed the Former (FTF) system is a fully automated materials transfer system comprised of grinders, formers and conveyors. The manual movement of raw meat is normally very labour-intensive and carries high hygienic risks, whereas FTF automatically transfers raw material from mixing and grinding and feeds it into the formers with virtually no manual touchpoints. Multiple automated transfer belts enable high volume production and maintain superior quality and consistency.
On their booth at IFFA, Frankfurt, Provisur will highlight the Weiler Mixer Grinder Dominator 14 among other further processing technologies.
Visit Provisur at IFFA, Frankfurt, Hall 11.0, Booth C01, May 03 – 07