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Project Energético to combat energy poverty in Portugal

Project Energético to combat energy poverty in Portugal

The Energético project has been launched by social charity Entrajuda to promote energy literacy and efficiency towards the eradication of energy poverty in Portugal.

Around one-quarter of Portugal’s population is believed to be living in some form of energy poverty, including between 1.1 and 2.3 million Portuguese living in moderate energy poverty and between 660,000 and 680,000 in extreme energy poverty, according to recent estimates.

With the objective of contributing to a 35% reduction of primary energy consumption by 2030, a goal set out in the country’s energy and climate plan, the Energético project is aimed to promote a ‘pact with impact’ between municipalities, regions, agents, associations, producers, distributors and consumers in order to change energy consumption habits and promote its more efficient use.

An example cited of a common practice is electronic equipment in standby mode, which can approach 10% of the total electricity consumption of a house. Even turned off with a remote control, devices can continue to use up to about 25% of their ‘on’ energy, representing an avoidable annual cost of more than €120 ($125).

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“Situations of energy poverty worsen the living conditions of people who, in a position of economic and social vulnerability, are still more fragile due to the increase in debt due to difficulty in paying utility energy bills,” says Isabel Jonet, president of Entrajuda.

“At the same time, the future of our planet demands concrete and bold actions and depends on participation for everyone. Therefore, I invite everyone – citizens, organisations and communities – to join the Energético project in a collective commitment to transform the reality of energy efficiency in Portugal – alleviating energy poverty and contributing to a brighter future sustainable and fair for all.”

Founding participants in the Energético project include electricity utility EDP, gas distributor Floene, the TSO REN, Galp Foundation, the regulatory authority ERSE and the energy agency ADENE.

With the start of the project a multi-media awareness campaign is being launched on the impact of energy waste and its effects on families and the population at large as the first of a number of events and activities that are planned.

The motto is ‘Energético represents: Large savings in small acts’, and features the voices of Portuguese acting personalities.

Other offerings include an online appliance consumption simulator, with guidance on energy efficiency practices, and information on access to the social tariff.

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