Pre-market consultation open for renewal of Pagabo’s largest frameworks

On behalf of contracting authority Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Trust, leading procurement specialist Pagabo has released Prior Information Notices (PINs) to request participation in preliminary market engagement for the renewal of two of its largest frameworks – the Major Works Framework and Developer Led Framework.
The lot structure for both frameworks will be developed in line with market requirements informed by preliminary market engagement and will be fully confirmed prior to the call for competition scheduled for June 2025.
The current iteration of the framework went live at the end of 2020 and gives clients access to 21 pre-approved developers. 46 schemes with a total combined value of more than £5bn have been procured through the current iteration of the framework, with more than £7bn in the pipeline.
The framework has enabled more than 15,000 homes to be built, along with thousands of square feet of commercial, retail and public space. Notable schemes include Bradford City Village, Great Western Hospital, High Peak District Council City Centre Regeneration and Derby City Council Cultural Heart Development.
“We welcome insights from any contractor, developer or contracting authority that is considering participating in the opportunity, or may utilise the new frameworks. These insights are vital to support in designing a solution that works for everyone.”
These surveys will remain open for input until 28 February 2025. A version of the survey is also available for contracting authorities, please contact to gain access to a survey for completion.
The tender process for both frameworks is expected to launch in June 2025.