Offshore engineeringProcess industries

Partners to Develop Offshore Wind to Ammonia Project in Greenland

Norway-based H2Carrier announced it has signed a letter of intent (LOI) with Greenland-based Anori to develop the first commercial wind farm in Greenland with subsequent production and export of green ammonia.

The wind farm is projected to comprise 1.5 gigawatts (GW) of renewable energy which will supply power to H2Carrier’s floating production vessel for hydrogen and green ammonia. Green ammonia will be stored in tanks onboard the vessel, then exported to smaller shipping vessels and carried to the international market.

H2Carrier’s proprietary design for a vessel that produces, stores and exports green ammonia, the P2XFloater, is said to be the first of its kind to be launched on a global basis capable of producing hydrogen and ammonia on an industrial scale. 

Developed in cooperation with Norwegian engineering firms, the P2XFloater design is based on proven technologies from floating production of oil and gas (FPSOs-  floating production, storage and offloading) in combination with control systems which optimize renewable power, electrolyzers and the Haber-Bosch-process for production of ammonia. H2Carrier aims to build, own/lease and operate a fleet of P2XFloaters on PtX projects globally.

CEO Mårten Lunde in H2Carrier, said, “All industrial use of ammonia at present is associated with significant emissions of CO2. By building on established and proven technologies with a strong safety track record from oil and gas we have developed zero carbon solutions for ammonia which is a key ingredient in agriculture and the food industry. Greenland is uniquely positioned to take a leading role internationally for supply of green ammonia and locally, a significant industrial project of this magnitude will be important to the Greenland society by way of employment opportunities and positive economic impact.”

“At present, less than 1% of the global ammonia consumption globally is produced from renewable energy. We need to turn this around to come closer to 100% as soon as possible in order to reach the targets of the Paris agreement,” said Nicolai Fossar Fabritius, the Chairman of Anori, who prior to co-founding the company worked several years as a director of the Danish wind turbine manufacturer Vestas.

The CEO Palle Christiansen in Anori said, “We are proud to cooperate with H2Carrier and we all feel humble when embarking on this significant project which has a huge export potential for Greenland” and adds that “Greenland is well positioned to realize such a project. We have space and such a project will not prevent other activities or projects. Greenland as attractive wind resources and ample access to clean water. Clients are based internationally and Greenland will benefit from new employment and export revenues. This is a win/win project-  from the climate to the treasure.”

Lunde said, “The innovative P2XFloater design represents a cost and time efficient and flexible solution for production of green ammonia in an industrial scale at a competitive price. The demand for green ammonia is rapidly increasing due to the industrial decarbonization. This is an attractive project at the right location at the right time.”