
New inductive sensors combine compatibility with configurability

Inductive proximity sensors in the new IF60xx range from ifm electronic offer the best of both worlds: compatibility with existing installations and additional functionality that provides important benefits in new applications. To ensure backwards compatibility, the new sensors provide both analogue and switching outputs, while for maximum versatility and to allow parameterisation, they incorporate an IO-Link interface.

When used as standard devices, IF60xx sensors are drop-in replacements for conventional types. They can also be used for highly accurate distance sensing over a restricted operating range which can be set by the user via the IO-Link interface. This advanced feature is particularly useful, for example, when monitoring machinery for early signs of wear that lead to small positional changes.

In all applications, data from the sensors can be accessed via IO-Link, which ensures freedom from errors caused by conversion losses and electrical interference.

To ensure suitability for the widest possible range of applications, the new IF60xx inductive proximity sensors are available in 17 versions. These include threaded cylindrical types with diameters of M12 to M30 and rectangular units measuring 40 x 40 x 54 mm. The range includes flush and non-flush types with 4 to 20 mA and 0 to 10 V analogue outputs.  All models have a programmable switching output as well as an IO-Link interface. Sensing range is from 0.2 mm for the smallest units to 35 mm for the largest.

Featuring robust construction to ensure long life even in demanding operating environments, all IF60xx sensors have an ingress protection rating of IP65 or better, as well as extended operating temperature ranges. Available accessories include angled mounting brackets for cylindrical models and a single-port IO-Link master that allows the sensors to be parameterised via a USB connection to a standard PC.