Energy and powerNewsPower transmission

New digital twin reference library to further decentralise power grids

The Digital Twin Consortium (DTC) – which aims to drive development of the digital tech – has announced a reference library of use cases and case studies, including use of digital twins as a tool to decentralise power grids.

This Technology Showcase aims to demonstrate the value of digital twins by providing insight into various digital twin technologies, building blocks, methodologies and techniques.

Based on domain-specific scenarios, the use cases include the Buildings as Batteries approach, which aims to enable the decentralisation of power grids.

It aims to optimise the power, thermal and related aspects of campuses and buildings and allow heightened energy redistribution speeds, enabling the solution to scale up to cities and states.

In the use case, the digital twin is a creation and optimiser engine, allowing for real-world operation and optimisation under conflicting constraints including safety and security, operational efficiency and economic opportunity.

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The key player in this approach is Agile Fractal Grid, Inc. which – according to the DGT – has created a platform to help campuses and communities achieve energy security and meet renewable energy goals, while providing broadband services.

The use case, by providing an energy systems blueprint, uses what the Technology Showcase describes as a ‘mass customisation approach’, allowing for continuous improvement based on operational feedback.

The solution is repeatable for others to build their own customised implementation.

 “These initial use cases of our technology showcase highlight the significant value digital twins provide to achieve transformational…outcomes,” added Dan Isaacs, DTC general manager and CTO. “Our members and liaisons collaborate to architect, develop, test, deploy and maintain digital twin-based solutions.”

David Shaw, Intuitus Corporation co-chair of the FinTech, Security and Trustworthy, and Aerospace and Defense Working Groups commented on the capability of digital twins to “provide a two-way flow of real data, enabling us to study more issues from more vantage points than standard simulations.

“Digital twins offer predictive capabilities and analytics that we can apply to any industry for improved performance, sustainability, resilience, and accelerated production.”

Other use cases in the Showcase include the Manufacturing Quality Control Via Remote Operator –demonstrating remote verification of manufacturing components in real-time – and the Emergency Communication Services, which allows teams distributed across a disaster area to interact in real-time.