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Net-Zero Navigators podcast: Meet Dentsu International’s chief sustainability officer Anna Lungley

To mark Net-Zero November, edie is publishing a mini series of podcasts interviewing the trendsetters and trailblazers in the net-zero movement. Up next: Dentsu International’s CSO Anna Lungley.

Each episode provides a deep dive into a net-zero or carbon-neutral strategy in less than 30 minutes

Each episode provides a deep dive into a net-zero or carbon-neutral strategy in less than 30 minutes

Following on from the UK Government’s world-leading net-zero carbon commitment, edie’s new spinoff podcast series, Net-Zero Business, hears from the trendsetters and trailblazers of responsible businesses.

Since the UK Government set it’s 2050 net-zero target into law, more and more businesses are attempting to get ahead of the political curve by strengthening carbon and energy strategies and pledging to become net-zero businesses well before the 2050 deadline. 

The Net-Zero Business podcast is a monthly digest of shorter episodes, each featuring an in-depth interview with a sustainability lead at a business that has set a net-zero target recently. For Net-Zero November, we’re picking up the pace and publishing a new episode each week. 

This latest episode features an in-depth interview with Dentsu International’s CSO Anna Lungley, in which she provides more information on the media and communications firm’s plans to reach net-zero by 2030. The company has committed to reducing its absolute carbon emissions by 46% within a decade – an ambition it hopes to have certified by the Science-Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) in line with 1.5C.

Lungley describes Dentsu’s plans for tackling its direct and power-related emissions, and for working with clients and supply chains to address Scope 3 emissions and increase engagement on environmental issues. She also outlines best-practice advice for ensuring that climate action has executive-level buy-in. 

The episode also features an interview with EDF – the headline sponsor of Net-Zero Live. EDF’s B2B propositions manager for electric vehicle (EV) solutions, Hugo Herrman, discusses how vehicle-to-grid fits in with the net-zero transition at a national level – and how businesses can reap the benefits. Further information on the topics discussed can be found here.

The edie podcast is available to listen to on Spotify. You can also subscribe to this podcast on iTunes and bookmark this page to see the full list of podcast episodes as they appear. Have a question about this podcast or a suggestion for future episodes? Email us at

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